You can unsubscribe a contact from one list or from all lists at once.
When you unsubscribe contacts, their status changes to Unsubscribed, but their information is not deleted. To see unsubscribed contacts on the Contacts page, select Unsubscribed from the Status drop down list.
Tip: For instructions for unsubscribing a contact from all lists at once, see Unsubscribing Contacts from All Mailing Lists.
To unsubscribe a contact from one list
1. On the navigation bar, click Email Marketing then Contacts.
The Contacts page opens.
2. If the list you want is not already selected, select it from the List drop down list.
3. Point at the contact you want to unsubscribe and click Unsubscribe.
A confirmation message opens.
4. Click OK.
The contact is unsubscribed from the list.